landing page for the site! i post site updates here and you can also see the webrings i am part of :3
just a lil about me!! thank you for reading if you do ^^
this is where i plan to post all the buttons, stamps, etc that i collect
basically a resources page! will include the sites i find useful while making my own, sites of friends, sites i find intersting, and a list of the webrings i am in
movie journal!! i use letterboxd to log my movies but i found myself not including certain things in certain reviews because of the anxiety of being perceived by cooler movie enjoyers, so i'm going to start posting my reviews here!!
game journal!! similar to the movie page, but will also include links to pages for things like my sims 3 saves; i'm a legacy player and storyteller
bet you can't guess what this is about!! pssst... you should use storygraph instead of goodreads
you can let me know what you think of the site, or just say hi if you want!!
this is like my blog or diary. entries will have appropriate content warnings where necessary, but do keep in mind this is a place for me to vent with no strings attached, so heavier topics in general